How easy it is to trust Him
But, O, how little we do.
We trust that He is all-knowing,
But doubt He’ll see us through.
We trust that He is sovereign;
That He is the King of kings.
We know He holds the universe,
But won’t trust Him with small things.
If sparrows are not an anxious
Because God looks out for them,
When we’re drowning in our troubles
Why won’t Jesus help us swim?
And if He can walk on water
And calm the roughest seas,
Then don’t you think that He
Will help us through our miseries?
If we say that we know Jesus
And trust who He says He is
Then we’re missing out on comfort
That only He can give
When we think that we know better
And we do not trust His will
To save us from life’s problems
When He says, “Peace, be still.”
Instead we worry and we fret
Always trying what we can.
Never trusting, always doubting,
That God has a better plan.
But if God can take a sinner,
Who’s as dirty as can be,
Give him a hope and a future
And change his life completely
How can we doubt He has the strength
To take us through our pain,
And in the midst of our confusion
Let the sun shine through the rain?
God does not say that He’ll remove
The trials that we receive;
He says He’ll get us through them
And that He will never leave.
Trusting in Christ does not mean
Having no problems at all.
It’s trusting God is big
And that our problems are small.
Why stress about the details
When God sees the whole picture?
Not only does He know your past,
But He cares about your future.
How easy it is to trust Him.
O, that we’d trust Him more;
Trust Jesus to carry us in the storm
And not worry about the shore.
The place that He is taking us,
Though seemingly hard to find,
Will bring joy in the morning
And eternal peace of mind.
Let’s let Jesus be our pilot –
Just sit back; enjoy the view.
How easy it is to trust Him
Because Jesus will see us through.